
Meet 13th May 2023 Written Story Update

Meet 13th May 2023 Written Story Update On

The episode begins with Sumeet realizing that they need money to pay for the doctor’s fees, so she goes to the drawer to take some cash. However, she recalls a story that Manmeet had told her earlier about Meet, who once needed money and worked hard to earn it by playing a match. Inspired by Meet’s story, Sumeet decides to put the money back in the drawer and decides to earn money herself.

Meanwhile, Meet and Manmeet inform Sumeet that they need to go somewhere first and suggest that she join other family members to attend the factory puja. Sumeet agrees to go along.

However, Sumeet has to lie to Meet because she cannot go to the puja. Instead, she has to take Cheeku, who is very sick, to the doctor. Meanwhile, Gunwanti and Mahendra talk negatively about Meet, accusing her of having too much control over Manmeet. Gunwanti also reminisces about how Sarkar used to be proud of Manmeet and would call him “shera,” but now Manmeet is hiding behind his wife.

Just then, Sarkar’s wife enters the room and scolds Gunwanti and Mahendra for speaking ill of Meet and Manmeet. She explains that they were only offering advice and that it is up to Meet and Manmeet to decide whether or not to follow it.

Cheeku was anxiously searching for Sumeet in the house when he spotted Kanika and her gang. He hastily took cover behind a pillar, while Kanika instructed her henchmen to scour the house and prevent Cheeku from escaping. As Kanika and her goons combed through the place, Cheeku remained hidden, but his luck ran out when Kanika spotted him darting outside the house.

Despite injuring his feet in the process, Cheeku managed to evade Kanika once again by concealing himself under a cart. Kanika came close to nabbing him but missed the opportunity. Meanwhile, at the orphanage, Chanda showed Meet a chest filled with children’s belongings, including a blanket with Meet’s name embroidered on it. Meet was in a rush to find information about Cheeku on the computer, but the loading time for Cheeku’s photo and information was slow.

While Meet was searching, Yashoda called to inquire why they hadn’t arrived at the factory Puja yet. Meet made excuses and asked about Sumeet, only to discover that Sumeet had not accompanied Yashoda to the Puja. Realizing the urgency of the situation, Manmeet instructed Meet to return home immediately, and they left without obtaining any information about Cheeku.

Kanika and her group manage to capture Cheeku. Meanwhile, Meet and Manmeet arrive home and engage in a cute argument. Suddenly, Cheeku appears and runs towards Meet, who embraces him with love. Kanika becomes upset that her plan has been foiled and orders her men to leave. Manmeet assumes that Cheeku is mute and cannot speak.

Meet and Manmeet decide to take Cheeku home with them. Later, Yashoda calls Manmeet and invites him to a puja, but he declines. Sarkar criticizes Manmeet for his decision. Despite this, Meet assures Manmeet that once Sarkar knows the reason for their absence, his anger will subside. The episode concludes on this note.

[Episode End]

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